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Gran's box

Posted: January 11th 2013, 9:02 PM Hey, I'm still kind of new here. My name's Matt, and I'm looking for an old game that my dad and I used to play together on the SNES, taking turns switching the controller over after the other died. I remember the game-play pretty well, I just can't seem to remember the title of the game or what the cartridge looked like, aside from having the main character on it. Figured I'd play the game for old time's sake when my dad was still here...=/ All I remember in the title is it had the word Mayan somewhere in it, I think. The game itself had a kind of darker background and atmosphere to it, and that's probably why I remember it so well, compared to all the other brightly colored games from Nintendo, like the Super Mario Bros games. In the corner of the screen, there was a crocodile that's mouth gradually closed down on your character as you got closer to dying. To progress, you climb up vines on trees or jump on spider webs, and find your way around like a maze of of the jungle, and they had some sand traps that opened and closed on the ground, as well as different animals that would attack you on your way, like snakes, monkeys, crocodiles, a boar and I think a jaguar at the end that was like the boss in the first level. You collected things like rocks or pouches full of them that you sling at the animals, and I think a bomb and whip as well. I thought it was something like Indiana Jones at first, but turns out it wasn't. My dad and I used to play for hours to get away from the little annoying chores around the house and school work for me, we were really close then. =) But after a while... he moved out after a big fight with my mom and I only got to see him once in a while, but sadly, each time I saw him, he seemed to be losing touch and his actions became more and more rash, and just oddly out of character for him...He left one day without even saying anything about why or where he was going. And I moved into his old apartment when it was available, since he had left some stuff there that I was hoping he would come back to. So, this is really important to me, we haven't spoken in over two years now, and its the only thing I have that's still a good memory with him that my mother hasn't ruined that I can hopefully share with my son in a few years. He was just born October, I named him after my father, Allen. =) I've tried looking through the few boxes of games he kept in his room, but no luck finding it. I wonder if he took it with him, wherever he went. But I just got a call from a storage company in the next town over that says payment for his bin is overdue, which I didn't even know he had. So I'm going to check that out within the week, or they might auction it off, so I'll see if there's anymore games or family pictures or anything of personal value in there. It would help out a lot if any of you could tell me what the game was called, so I know what to look for. It would be very much appreciated. I don't know what happened to the SNES either, maybe its in there, if not I could probably just buy it on eBay or something if I find the game. Posted: January 13th 2013, 5:33 PM Well, I'm back...and I found it, Pitfall. I'm a bit shaken up after all the weird shit that's gone on from this though. I couldn't very well have typed all this out in such little time, so I've started up my voice-to-text program to tell what's happened. Which brings me to ask this, since I don't remember having these experiences from the game ever before...Has anyone else had strange experiences with this game that they couldn't find an easy explanation for? I mean, I know some of it could be explained if its just a hacked game or whatever, but truth be told I wasn't scared by most of the images, or texture changes in the game. There were however these really odd noises that I've never heard before, that didn't even sound human. And there were strange things going on around me, with my senses, and in my dreams...I'll be honest, because I must sound like some kind of hippy right now, I don't really believe in ghost
